速報APP / 遊戲 / Lucky's Tree of Puzzles

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Nisulankatu 78 40720 Jyväskylä Finland

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖1)-速報App

★★★★★ 5/5 smartappsforkids.com: "The best of the best for educational apps, with amazing content, great graphics and engaging game play."

Finland is the global leader in education and Lucky's Tree of Puzzles was designed by a Finnish child psychologist and a world class interactive educational game designer. Safe, lots of fun and chock full of wonderfully interactive educational games.

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖2)-速報App

"Lucky" is an adorable character and great friend, voiced by Emmy Award winner Kerry McNally. Lucky will keep children engaged, entertained and learning for hours!

No in-app purchases, no Internet access, no in-game advertisements and no inappropriate or scary content.

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖3)-速報App

We hope you and your child enjoy it as much as we did creating it!

Lucky’s Tree of Puzzles contains 18 games, a playhouse, a coloring book, and plenty of other activities. In this game children can practice and develop their mathematical- and language abilities and attention, and problem solving skills. The game is primarily targeted to children aged 3 to 11, but entire family will enjoy playing this game. All the instructions in the game are spoken (in addition to written instructions), so also smaller children can play the game independently.

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖4)-速報App

Psychologist Maija Immonen who has been in charge of the game design wanted to create an interesting and entertaining game, that offers children challenges and helps them practice many different skills. With the help of this game children can practice attention, emotional competence, problem solving skills and mathematical abilities. Although there are many educational elements in this game the main focus is in fun and the joy of succeeding.


Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖5)-速報App

★ Voiced by Emmy Award winner Kerry McNally

★ 18 fun and educational games

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖6)-速報App

★ A three dimensional playhouse, where you can play with building blocks and a toy car

★ Color pictures in Coloring book, or draw a picture of your own and color it.

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖7)-速報App

★ Building block constructions and coloring book pages can be saved to devices gallery and shared with others

★ 50 collectible animal cards hidden throughout the game.

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖8)-速報App

★ Almost 50 achievements, some of them hidden. You’ll have to figure out how to get them!

★ No in-app purchases or up sells

Lucky's Tree of Puzzles(圖9)-速報App

★ No Internet access from the game

★ No advertisements

★ No inappropriate or scary content

★ Allows parent to monitor and limit the playtime.